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Jennifer Mack-Watkins


 Vanity II

Japanese Woodcut/ Silkscreen

22 x 26


 My current body of work depicts how the stages of womanhood are viewed based on past and present assumptions of the domesticated role of the woman. References to the era of 1950’s and 1960’s home interiors are often used in my work to document how media and popular culture flood society with stereotypical or idealistic perceptions in advertisements to sell products. I am interested in investigating the complexities of being a woman, beauty, relationships, body image, power, and struggle. This subject is the main component of an ongoing body of work that deals with how society defines what femininity is based on a predefined pattern. In my work, I choose the printmaking techniques of Silkscreen and Mokuhanga because of their ability to be manipulated on various surfaces by applying layered blocks of color to create images.


Paper is a very important element of working as a printmaker. The weight, durability, and texture allow me to select the best paper for each work I produce.The history of the papermaking techniques that were brought to Japan by China is what inspires me as a printmaker.  The exchange of papermaking techniques that were invented and developed is what I find the most fascinating. Along with this history I am interested in learning more about creating papers with Fibers such as Gampi, Mulberry, and Kozo. As a Paper Circle Resident Artist, I hope to have the time and the space needed that will allow me to experiment with making handmade paper

Dates for Artist: June 04- June 11th.

Dates for Public: to be announced